Let’s address the elephant in the room

We have been waiting to write about the current COVID-19 pandemic, and how it’s affecting businesses, and all of our personal lives – but we feel we must break our silence.

It’s no longer business as usual, but we are sticking to our mantra, our core fundamentals and we are here to assist, as more and more companies are making the shift to being 100% virtual.

We’ve been fortunate that we’ve always been an 100% remote team, we value that our partners and employees can work where ever they like, whether that’s a remote cabin in Petosky, MI or at a cafe in Fort Myers Beach, FL.

We know how fortunate we are, but we understand that for many businesses – things are about to get tough. In these uncertain times, we want to assure you that we are here to help. We understand how crucial your businesses digital presence is, and how important it is to get your business in front of prospective customers.

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