What starts to happen when your SEO rocks!

If you were to sum up the goal of search engine optimization in one phrase, it would probably be “more website visits.” But beyond that, many businesses can’t explain how search engine optimization really impacts their bottom line. Here are a few surprising ways SEO benefits your business, and why it’s important to invest in kick-ass Search Engine Optimization for your website.

1. It Creates Lasting Results for Your Business

Unlike pay-to-advertise tactics, search engine optimization is a practice that enhances the website that you already own. By making ongoing search engine-recommended updates to the core structure and content of your website, an SEO service has a lasting impact on your website’s user experience and performance in organic search results. And, because any changes made to your website are, in effect, permanent (until you change them!), they won’t go away should you ever need to pause your SEO efforts.

2. It Helps You Convert More Website Leads

Just by driving more traffic to your business website, you already increase your chances of turning those visitors into leads when you have the right website conversion tools in place, like a phone number, contact form, or live chat. Best-practice search engine optimization additionally forces you to deliver a better website experience through mobile-optimization, clear navigation, and content that’s optimized for your target audience. That means visitors to your site are more likely to spend time looking at it, and will engage with your content and gain confidence in what you have to offer – things that can all lead to a phone call or email.

3.  It Improves Your Other Marketing Efforts

Are you investing in paid search engine advertisingResearch clearly shows that when you combine paid and organic marketing efforts, you gain incremental clicks on your top keywords. In addition, SEO benefits your search marketing by allowing you to use certain keywords and topics on your website that may not be effective in your paid search campaigns – like research-based keywords or highly competitive terms that have a high cost per click in PPC. Driving more traffic to your website through SEO can also increase the effectiveness of advertising tactics like retargeting, which specifically targets your previous website visitors and brings them back to your site.

How much would just a few more website visitors a month be worth to your business? And what other benefits have you received from SEO? Let us know in a comment or hire us!

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