Why we offer custom website builds on WordPress utilizing Elementor

We’ve been building on WordPress for about a decade, and in this post, we’d like to share the how, the why, and the ways in which Elementor has made an impact on our web development workflow.

We give our clients an option to have their WordPress website built by us, utilizing Elementor because it saves us time and money, and often – we can provide a similar service to a complete custom theme at a fraction of the client’s cost, saving our clients who choose this option both time and money.

As a developer, why Elementor?

Our simple answer – its ease of use and responsive options.

We value that compared to other page builders (we hate DIVI)  that it renders fast, how its CSS system works out of box, and that it lets me choose which tag I want for most elements (span, p, h1, h2, …, div), something very important for SEO and something not many builders offer. It also doesn’t pollute your WP content with shortcodes which is a big plus if we need to move someday and to be compatible with other plugins that deal with content as some SEO plugins do.

Elementor allows us to do better and faster development compared to other tools. Time is money, especially for our clients; so being able to develop quicker, with fewer glitches and achieving exactly what we need so that there aren’t many corrections afterward, is a huge benefit.

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